Saturday, August 28, 2010

Summer's End

Well the first day of school is here. I have to send 3 of my 5 kids to school. Jazmyne will soon follow, here in a couple months. I had hoped we would be in Ohio starting school there, but God had different plans for us. So R.K. Mellon here the Roddy kids come. I dont know how I will handle it, knowing that yet again one of my baby's is no longer a baby. She is going to be in Kindergarten. Kiera is going to be in 3rd,and Dillon in 5th. I feel as if my summer has just flown by me. We got to see lots of family, and for the most part.... it was relaxing. (other than court hearings, and the stress of when to move!) Gabby's first birthday was great, a day I never thought would come. We went to see my Mom and Dad in Ohio and all my Family. We had hoped that this year we could go to the beach, but know that in the years to come we will make it. I have never seen the ocean! Never touched salt water, and its sorta a dream of mine to do it with my kids for the first time. I hope that this school year will be full of positive thoughts. We hope to be moving, sometime in November! Though thats not in our control right now! I am not ready for nightly homework, homework fights, PTA, Concerts, Parents meetings, for some reason I just wish my Summer could be a little longer. It has been so nice to snuggle with my kids when they wake up, and lay in our PJ's all day. I dont know how I will deal with not hearing "MOM" 30,000+ times a day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Dillon

Monday will be Dillon's 11th Birthday. We celebrated his Birthday yesterday at our house. Its crazy to think that my only son is going to be 11. It seems just yesterday that he was running around starting Kindergarten. He has grown in so much since I became his step mom. One on my fondest memories of Dillon was when he was little and loved me to tuck him into his "finding Nemo" bed and reading him The Sleep Book. Now he would not be caught dead sleeping with them sheets, or me reading him that book. He is growing up before my eyes. He is almost as tall as me! This morning we were looking through our photo albums and I came across a picture of him standing in his nemo underwear with a smile on his face in front of Kiera's crib. He wanted me to promise him that I would never show any one it.(Trust me I will someday!) I hope that the next year brings joy for Dillon. A way for him to find out who he is, and what he hopes for in his future. So Happy 11th Birthday Dillon.