Thursday, September 8, 2011

Its been 2 years already!

As I am flipping though facebook today, I came across a post from 2 years ago today. Here is what the post read:
On this day in 2009 you posted:Today gabby has her first PT, OT and vision therapy !! I cant wait!
What a long trip this two years has been. I have meet some of the greatest people I know. When therapy first stated I had so many fears. I had no clue what to expect, or what would happen. I in someways was I felt as a parent we were not adequate to have her. I felt as I could not and was not able to provide her with what she needed. It is a hard feeling being a mom of a special needs child. You cant make it better, you have people you have never meet before in your life telling you how to raise your child. You have people judging you, and your every move. I almost morned for Gabby when therapy first started, it was the reality that I was admitting that she was going to be different. I have learned so much since then. In no way was I failing her, or was I inadequate  as her mom. How would I know what to do for her? I am not a PT, OT, or a vision therapist. Thank goodness along the way I have had a great team of people "Family"to us that have guided us along the way. I cant say thank you enough to everyone who has worked with Gabby and who currently works with her. I see her do something new everyday. The amount of support and resources that have been provided to us has been above and beyond. The people along the way have all taught me a thing or two. I love watching Gabby smile laugh giggle, and yes even cry. These are all emotions she was never to be able to feel. We used to pray before she was born that our only wish was that she was happy. Most days she is happy. She beets the odds daily. She have so much strength.Kinda odd a year old child can show me what perseverance is, and how to be a better happier person. She struggles daily but yet never gives up. If we all had to fight this hard to stay alive........ Just think of how strong we would all be. I know therapy has opened doors for Gabby and us. It has made me a better mom, I now have a voice. I know when to walk away from crappy doctors, know when to fight harder for what I believe in. Thank you again everyone. Gabby is doing great! She would not be who she is today with out each and everyone of you! 

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