Saturday, October 13, 2012

Ronald McDonald House- Akron, Ohio

"The Giving Doll"- Each part of Gabby's doll was made by one person "Such as the hair, eyes, clothing,sewing" and around her neck it says "My name is Megan, I was made to GIVE you faith, love, hope, joy and comfort during this special time." ♥ They were so Kind they also got one out for each of the girls! So now they all have "The Giving Doll" and each one matches the child it was given to. ♥ You can find :The Giving Doll" on facebook! Look them up and see what they are all about! They also accept donation, and helping hands in making these doll's. Consider making a difference and help make a child's day! 

I am always wanting to give back, and I have found a way to give back to the Ronald McDonald house in Akron. We often stay there if Gabby is going to have a surgery or multiple appointments in multiple days.  Its a home away from home for so many family's. They provide meals, snack  foods, presents to the kids, and a warm hug. During "Giving for Gabby" we asked the town of Payne to collect pop tabs for us. I am so happy that we could make such a large donation of pop tabs! With each trip we make I will make a stop past the house to make a donation. They are always accepting travel sized items, pop tabs and food. If you have a donation please feel free to drop it off at Carol's Main Street Makeovers, or drop it past my house. :) I also have a Giving for Gabby option off to the right of my page. If you would like to donate money, please state so under the donation , and what you would like it to be used for-food, travel sized items, ect.... I will make sure every time we go we take pictures. Thanks again to everyone who helped!

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