Friday, May 18, 2012

What a three weeks it has been......

Around a month ago, Gabby got sick with an upper respiratory infection. It was bronchitis and phenomena was setting in. Got her set up on a high dose of antibiotic's for 5 days. Went in for a recheck in a week and thought we were good to go.... Nope It came back, and with a vengeance! She got sick and fast! It was a Sunday night, and we thought lets see what Monday brings. Well Monday morning she was responding ok, have a good pulse ox, so we thought lets wait a day. I was checking her temp every hour, fearing another febrile seizure. Monday night came..... and she got very sick. Sicker than Sunday night, we had been talking of taking her to the ER....Then while I was holding her and then it happened , I felt her legs start, then it moved to the whole body with in was another grand mal seizure. A long one this time. I jumped up and ran to the middle room where the floor was clear, sent Kirstynn to wake John, Kiera ran straight to the phone to call 911 and started to tell them what information the needed, and Jazmyne was still sound asleep on the couch though it all. As the seizure progressed it she shook harder, then it happened. VOMIT...I rolled her to the right,(big mistake, If you know anything about seizures and vomit) but in the moment it was about clearing the airway.Air way is everything, even a small shallow breath even for a couple of mintues is better than no breath. The EMS crew and family came with in about 5 minutes, and off we went to the ER.

While at the ER we had a game plan already. Dr. Holder was the first one called, and gave instructions to everyone there.We did a ton of blood work, chest x-rays, and we got the results, she has Bronchitis again!  We felt ok taking her home after talking it to our doctors.  Once we got the all clear new medication, off we went. (Well Kinda, John blew a head gastet in the blazer on his way to the hospital but fearing they were going to Life flight her to Akron he just wanted to get there.)We got the blazer home and he returned with the van to get us.... She spend most of the night sleeping, and on Tuesday night my dad offered to ride with me to Akron for the NeuroMuscular clinic on Wednesday. (Thank you dad) It was a long couple of hours there but we got some answer, found new questions that still need answers and got her put on Kepra(A seizure medication)! I was pleased with the over all day (It was a long one) So off we headed for home. Well Friday rolls around and we are on our last day of medication and went in to Dr. Wiley for a recheck. Well we found out that Gabby had aspirated on her vomit during her seizure and it had turned into aspiration phenomena. :( So new medication, very strong doses. I honestly thought we were going to end up in the hospital, but the new medication started working fast! And Gabby is now doing great! The last two days she is starting to smile again! : D Play again, and be Gabby again. So I will leave you with these pictures taken tonight! XOXO 

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